Monday, April 8, 2013

I'm back with a new plan and new goals!

The Couch Potato is back. Back with a new baby and more pounds to lose, but with new determination. Maybe it is age, wisdom, or a healthy combination of both. This time, the Couch Potato is no longer looking to exercise to just lose weight...I've decided to get healthy because I simply need to live a healthy lifestyle. I have two little boys and an adoring hubby that I look forward to getting up and seeing everyday. Getting healthy to me means that I am doing all that I can to stick around to watch them grow for as long as I can. Getting healthy also means teaching my family how to live a healthy lifestyle. I have always been an overweight kid, then teen, then adult. I am old enough to know that I will most likely never get to a size 2 and wise enough to realize I do not want that goal any more. Getting healthy for me does include losing weight because I am technically obese, but losing a certain amount of weight is not my goal. Ideally, I want to commit to working out 5 to 6 times a week. I am currently doing TapouT XT. I completed the first 4 weeks without any problems, lacked motivation for the following 2 weeks of workouts, and missed two weeks of working out due to family visiting and holiday. I HATE working out....I really HATE working out. I really do not not find anything enjoyable about it. However, I want to finish strong for the next 6 weeks and complete the program. So, while my fitness goal is to work out 5 to 6 times a week, I also hope that I will get to a point where I like to exercise. In regards to my diet, I would like to stay with my portions and eat at least five servings fruits or veggies daily. I know my self well enough to know that any type of diet that includes NO sugar is doomed to be cheated on forgotten within 3 days. So, I will not attempt to embark on any diet that will ask me to completely cut out sugar. Although, eating a mostly vegan diet does pique my interest. It is just difficult to maintain a vegan diet especially when you like meat as much as my family does. So there it is in a nutshell. My getting healthy goals. Exercise 5 to 6 days a week, staying within normal food portions, and eating 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day. I'm ready to rock this program for the first week!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 19

I feel like I should be training more. As if I should be running 6 days a week. However, I know that it is not realistic when I am raising a family. But today I am really excited because I am going running with a neighbor and she mapped out a new 3 mile path for us. So I decided that it would be good to get out there and run, since I have fallen off the wagon since returning home from Austin.

It was great to have a partner when I run because it helps be keep a normal pace and it pushed me to keep running. I knew that I was not going to start walking at any point unless my partner started first. Yes, I am that competitive.

The awesome news...We never walked during the run. So I finally completed a 3 mile run! I completed the first goal I set for myself more than a week ago. I felt like I accomplished something big. It is amazing how a month ago I could barely run 1 mile and now I ran 3 miles without walking.

Day 18

I am still in Austin and I am scared about running today. My family has informed me of the drought that is affecting Austin and its wildlife. For example, one person reported seeing a wild boar while driving to work early one morning. Another person reported seeing a coral snake in the morning on a walking trail close by. Many people in this area of Austin seem to acknowledge the plethora of rattle snakes, wasps, coyotes, and deer that are roaming the area.

Ignorance in bliss in my case, because yesterday I at least finished my run when I did not have a clue about the wild animal kingdom that was roaming free in people's back yards. Today, I barely finished a quarter of it because I was scared. As I was walking back home, I encountered those wasps and a family of deer trying to run across the street to the woods that I heard other people talk about. I know this, I will not be running in Austin any time soon.

Day 17

I'm in Austin and decided to wake up before everyone else. It is somewhat peaceful in the morning when everyone else is asleep. However, my thoughts are not peaceful because I am dreading this run, like a dread every run. I am dreading this run more because I accidental cut my ankle the night before. But I brave it, lace up and started running this morning.

Although I dread running, I must say that I am enjoying running in different cities. It has forced me to not get use to my surroundings and has made me more patient. The path that I run in Kansas City, I am so familiar with it, I seem to know every tree, every crack in the sidewalk, and every building. These serves as my reminders of how close I am to finishing. When I run in an unfamiliar location, I don't have that luxury and I must continue to on until I reached my destination. There was nothing that was noteworthy of this run. I did beat the heat, which I was ever so greatful for!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Training Day 16

I am in Texas for a week. The temperature is going to be over 100 degrees every day that I am here. I will be training at least twice while I am on vacation with the family.

I have been in Texas for 3 days and decided that today was the day that I was going to run. In fact, I was really proud of myself because although I brought my running shoes, I accidentally, on purpose, forgot to pack my running clothes and bought a new pair of shorts at Target.

It was 7:30 and 103 degrees outside when the family went running with mommy. I was so shocked by the heat; I did a combo of running/walking the way to the rec center, where the rest of family was going to play basketball while I continued to run. Then I ran/walked combo back to the beginning of the trail, and ran the entire way back to the rec center.

While on this death valley run, I had a chance to be completely honest with myself by saying that I have not training as hard as I can and that this has been a pattern in my life. I have always started a project, diet, workout really strong and somehow never complete it as strong as I started or not at all. I have known this about myself for a very long time and I have wanted to change it for a long time as well. I guess this is another reason why I signed up for this push through my complacency that I have developed over the years and finish what I have started. This is also why I started this blog, to hold myself accountable to those who read it so that I may finish this task. I have so much riding on this race. My family is coming in town to support me; I have invested my family's time and money into this run as well. I know that I need to push through this funk and get to really start training like I originally planned.

So, today I pushed through the funk and ran in 103 degree heat in Dallas, TX. The greatest part of the run was this lone woman I saw walking. She reminded myself of me. She seemed lonely, trying to exercise to make herself feel better, but it simply was not doing the job. She was overweight, hunched over, as if trying to hide from everyone while she was walking this park trail. I saw her as I was running to the rec center to get the family and I repaid the kind nods that I have received from other runners to her. I simply smiles and nodded as we met eyes while she walked and I ran by each other. As the family and I walked on the park trail back home I saw this same woman running, holding her head up high, with the biggest smile on her face as she ran by me. I had the biggest smile on my face as she ran by as well.

Training Day 15

Today I ran with the ladies and boy am I out of shape an need to push myself harder if I am going to keep up with them.

It all started out well...we were jogging together, talking, and laughing. They were running one of the routes that I take during my long 3 mile runs. They really enjoyed the run, but right after 1 mile, I started to get a cramp. I said it before and I will say it again...running SUCKS. It was at this time, I started to think that I wouldn't mind having lipo to get rid of this baby weight I have been holding on to since my own birth and the birth of my son. But I am doing this marathon for another reason other than just losing weight. I am doing it to reach my goal of completely this half-marathon before I turn the big 30. This, by the way, is scaring me more and more the closer is draws near.

So I huffed and puffed through this workout along with the other ladies. I really enjoyed running with them because they made me push myself harder than I would normally do. I just need to be more consistent.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Training Day 13

Today was amazing. I went for my long distance run/walk today. I got up just in time to beat the heat. By the time I got back home, I was drenched in sweat and the temperature was steadily climbing. It was suppose to feel like it was over 100 degrees and I am really grateful that I got up early enough to run while it was still at a reasonable temperature.

The run was...amazing. I am still not able to run the entire length, but I did run farther than I had in a long time. I was even able to conquer a hill or two while I was running. My legs did not hurt as much (due in large part because I finally took the time to properly stretch). And the best thing of all...I got another nod from a fellow (and extremely attractive) runner. My second nod!

The hubby said that I am slowly entering into the runner's world/culture and asked me how I felt about it. Well, I still do not feel like I am a runner, but slowly I feel like I am being welcomed the more I run. The funny thing is, I've always hated running in public. I knew that I hated running, I was never slim enough to make anyone believe that I was ever a runner, and I am sure that I looked goofy running, and these reasons kept me from running in public. I always thought that people would think one of two things if they saw me running:
1. "Her fat-ass should be running"
2. "Boy she looks pathetic trying to run"

I know that this stems from me having horrible encounters with the most insensitive of people throughout my life. As we all recall, I have always had a problem with my weight. I will never forget the time when I told a family member that I lost 5 pounds. I was 14 years old, so proud of this achievement, and their response was "well, I can't see it." Or the time when I ordered a dessert to celebrate a good grade, the person next to me in line told his friend "now, you know she does not need to eat that," and there was only me and them in the cafe. I have had several encounters like this throughout my life, which has made me want to hide in my house and never want to be seen by anyone. So when I am running in public, on the streets of this city, or anywhere there are people around, I feel incredibly exposed and vulnerable because I am out there for everyone to see me struggle through this weakness, running. I guess I always thought that if people were not sensitive enough to be kind during the times of celebration, I did not need to expose my weakness for them to be even more cruel to me, during my times of struggle.

I am pretty sure that a lot of people felt invisible during high school and there was always someone that we wanted to acknowledge us in the slightest of ways, either through a nod, a smile, or a wink. I remember those days and when it happened, I could not help but think and feel that I finally mattered and that I was not invisible any more. And I cannot help but feel the same way every time another runner nods at me when I am trying to push through this journey. Finally the mean girls (and guys) have gone away and I am finally being noticed and celebrated for my effort. As I run more and get more nods, I am hoping, and finding, that my insecurities are slowly melting away.